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Inácio Rabelo
PhD Candidate
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Math Writtings
Events and Seminars
Math Writtings
Notes from graduate courses and seminars.
Seminar Notes.pdf
Notes from a introductory seminar on Milnor FIbration Theorem (2023)
Project for the Singularity Theory course (2022)
Octonionic Planes.pdf
My master's thesis (2021)
Eilenberg-MacLane Spaces.pdf
Project for the Algebraic Topology course (2021)
The Abel-Jacobi Theorem.pdf
Project for the Riemann Surfaces course (2020)
I.S - Seminar.pdf
Presentation on incompressible surfaces for the seminar on 3-Manifolds (2020)
H.A - Seminar.pdf
Presentation on homological algebra for the seminar on 3-Manifolds (2020)
H.S - Seminar.pdf
Presentation on Heegaard splittings for the seminar on 3-Manifolds (2020)
Fitting Subgroup.pdf
Project for the Groups and Representations course (2020)